Posted in Wandering Mind

Bondage of Self

My heart is surely sore and raw. I feel a bit more emotionally accessible as well. Funny enpugh the idea that might be both the goal and the problem… 

I felt a deep conviction today about this. I understand there are multiple causes and factors, but the results are the same. My whole experience of life is so controlled by this unstable and needy soul. I’m unable to be separate from it. And the result is really the bondage of self. 

I’ve always equated the bondage of self to some construct of choice. At some point it may be, but the choice is now so calcified and remote that all that is is the resultant experience. 

I feel the conviction of it. Not in the same sense of a willful disregard for YHVH, but the conviction of how separate I am from what Yah is like, and what YHVH desires. There is no fear or self hatred or anxiety etc…. in YHVH. There IS LOVE, JOY, PEACE etc… 

And the conviction goes even deeper. Not only do I not experience this (or if I do it is an exception or intervention), it doesn’t flow through me in enough authenticity and constancy to do much for others.

My current situation is that my primary relationships are able to believe I don’t love them. Even my own children have struggle with this and at times have to remind themselves about my love. Ive been so inconsistent and internally unstable there has not been the progression and expression of love.

That is convicting. I asked Yeshua to come and touch them directly because then it would “work”.

But then I felt an explanation to me that even when Jesus was physically here on earth, as He interacted directly with people some of them rejected Him. Especially those who were not broken enough to actually feel the need. 

Maybe the conviction really is that there needs to be both while the whole world is broken. I feel so hurt and laid low because of how pain dominates my thoughts and feelings. And it is real. It isn’t like it is not a real thing. Yet the desire of Yeshua is to save me, deliver me, and bring me into the experience HE has without deviation. That is true at the same time. 

I want to be relieved from the bondage of self, it dominates my experience. My understanding and hope is that to be relieved of it would inherently equal the experience of the Kingdom. Im beginning to think that isn’t exactly true.

Perhaps it is more like displacement… As the Kingdom of YHVH comes in, it forces things up, choices and repentance is made, then those things are removed creating more room. This would mean the initial work creates pressure. It would have to. Assuming no one is empty, then for something to displace anything else, the experience would be pressure until the relief of letting go equalized the volume and the space.

If this has any truth, this means there is an initial work, creating pressure, discomfort, agitation. Then the targeted issues migrate from where they are to the “surface”. I tend to think of this more like a brewing vessel or pressurized container. We walk around as this tank. As pressure builds up inside, we need to have the tank “pierced” in some way. As the pressure builds and forces the targeted thing around, everything will flow out the first available opening. As soon as that opening is expanded, the pressure forces the target out until pressure equalizes, and then no more flow!

Maybe this is sanctification in a nutshell. Maybe this is how trauma leaves, how willful and unknown sin gets attacked and removed. The Spirit of the Kingdom is also the Spirit of the Crucifixion and the Spirit of the Resurrection. As it manifests inside us, it agitates and forces these things until the pressure just finds its way out.

Please God, let it be easy to open and let go!

Posted in Wandering Mind

Love as the Ultimate Liberation?

Having one of those wandering, imaginative experiences as Im falling asleep (or waking up) are sometimes profound, and are often frustrating. I sometimes have these deep yet clear ideas and then often struggle to remember. But at the time, and shortly after, I recall it and work hard to remember. This one took me a few days of exercising my memory and asking for help.

It is a simple thought process that happened as I was praying for a dear friend who recently lost his wife. The grief and loneliness is crushing, and all I seem to be able to do is ask God to intervene and help him. And I began to ask for Yah to deliver him through the grief and despair that seems constantly swirling around him. After 30 years of marriage, he went from 100 to 0 in 11 months and was left wondering what just happened. His fears and anxieties seemingly just manifested in full fury and he is left gasping and grasping for a reason to keep going.

Im not sure how I began to think about my own fears and my own anxiety, but as I did I began to follow this line of mental dialog that began to show me the wisdom and elegance of the biblical prescription to Love.

Why Love?

My first point is to realize that there is a benefit that I began to realize when I love. There needs to be a motive, a pay off, for even pursuing something. As I continued this thought experiment, I realized that the benefit is great, but without an ability to know where Im headed, and an effort made to get going, this benefit will not be realized. Love itself is not really so much an emotion or feeling, but a mix of things that ultimately result in actions. They might originate inside, but they are a rich mix of several things.

The basic conclusion was this:

If I am living totally in Love, I will be totally freed from fear of my own well being.

I mean… duh…. “Perfect love casts out all fear” right? All the bible verse come leaping right out at me. Love your neighbor as yourself. God is Love.

I just simply hadn’t thought through WHY this works.

How I got to this simple, elegant endpoint that is obviously a biblical concept was an iterative thing…

  1. If I love something (mostly someone), my main concern will be the wellbeing of the object of my love.
  2. In fact, in every real example of love, love actually puts the wellbeing of the object loved BEFORE the one doing the loving.
  3. To go deeper, the wellbeing of the loved is actually PARAMOUNT, and often EXCLUSIVE to the wellbeing of the lover.
  4. The ultimate, obvious expression of this is self sacrifice. Literally giving up of ones own inherent experience (energy, sleep, money, health, even life itself) for another is the working definition of Love.

While traditionally, people use Greek words to categorize this. Greek culture being fairly reductionist in approach, tries to provide an atomic, elemental definition. Those can work, but they seem to be more associated with the motive, and the payoff. Eros: Erotic desire, Phileo: Familial association, Agape: Unconditional-giving… these are attempting to describe a quality of an action.

In the Hebrew scriptures, Love is mostly one word: Ahav(ah). There are other words about Love working its way out like Chesed (Lovingkindess) but Love is really simple.. Desire

What is Love? (Baby don’t hurt me, don’t hurt me, no more)

This is a massive issue itself, determining what Love actually is. Im certain we don’t understand what scripture is talking about when we use this word, and we use the scriptures themselves to reinforce all sorts of prejudice we have.

Some basic questions I think are vital to have answered before taking action:

  1. Is Love a quality of something??? i.e… is an action loving??? is a feeling loving???
  2. Does it matter WHO is doing the Loving?
  3. Does it matter who is RECEIVING the Love?
  4. What is the current definition of Love is your current culture?
  5. What does it mean to Love (as an action/verb) within a scriptural context?
  6. What expectations do you personally have for Love?
  7. If there are variations between 4-6, what are the corrective actions required?

The main thing aside from all the intellectual aerobics… how to get to a place of Love. A true foundation of Love. An active experience internally, and an active experience of it flowing through me into my surroundings, mostly the people and primary relationships. My “neighbors”.

That is where I want to head. And the biggest impediment seems to be the bondage of self.

Posted in Biblical Calendar, Torah

Learning from the Mo’edim – Matzot 2022

Havent posted anything much about what we have been learning from appointed times I guess. Mostly just doing them, and trying to engage what they are more deeply than getting caught in just the mechanics. We clearly have no Temple, no priesthood, and nothing operating that would normally be required to actually KEEP the feasts. We practice them, memorialize them etc….

The Calendar Dilemma

There is a lot of debate about WHEN to even do this. And in some ways it is important and/or critical. However many earnest people who sincerely study this come to different conclusions.

  • Some folks just keep the Hillel Calendar which is calculated and the typical Jewish family would follow it. It is great in that it lets you know way in advance when things will be celebrated, and when your whole community will be engaged. The problem with this is that it doesnt truly fulfill the biblical framework of sighting a new moon in the spring, it simply calculates when it would be. 
  • Some folks use an New Moon, which starts the months, and they either say it has to be “Observed” or seen, while others say a new moon is invisible. 
  • Others combine the visible new Moon with a determination of whether the Barley crop is mature enough to satisfy the biblical directives about “Aviv” and offering a first fruits offering at the end of the week of the Feast of Unleanvened Bread. 
  • There are all sorts of even more granular ideas int he above, including a leap month to catch up, Lunar Sabbaths, the Spring Equinox and endless debates. 

For me, I believe that the visible sighted New Moon in Israel combined with the barley crop being mature is the most simple and elegant set of factors that explain a basic and actionable interpretation of scripture. It seems overly complex to us moderns, but I believe it grasps the most authentic experience of a pre-modern, ancient near eastern person living in Israel, or wandering around in that area. 

The breakdown is we arent pre-modern, Near Eastern people who are living in an established community that practices this. We need wonderful people like Devorah Gordon and the team of people trying their best to follow this. We need to have the flexibility in our schedule and make room for the variability when what was supposed to be easily visible is invisible, and now things are resecheduled! 

This Year

This year, we had a scenario that has never played out in my experience. There was a determination that the barley was not mature enough for a March feast. Because of that, it is fairly easy to know when the April New Moon would be visible simply by calculating. It is such a high probability, that there is essentially a 2 days window where once they have reliable witnesses to it, the day is called, the New Year starts, 14 days later is Passover, and away we go. 

This is what we had going into April

May be an image of one or more people and text

And then things should have been easy. It would is going to be easily seen April 2 due to its position in the sky etc… 

Except it wasn’t.

So then it was obviously going to be April 3rd because another 24 hour period means the moon gets even higher, earlier and bigger. 

Except it wasn’t.

That hadnt happened in my new experiences before. Finally April 4th hit, and reliable witnesses confirmed it. 

Except we had already moved things around. My wife had photoshoots, the kids had state testing for our homeschool academy, Rescheduled orthodontist appointments…. all on the Sabbath of the Holiday!

My Goals

To make it worse, I have tried for years to find ways to simply take the whole week off for Unleavened Bread and Sukkot. We finally bought a beat up old trailer in 2021, and have used it a few times. I had hoped we could camp, but that was out of the question. Maybe we could take off for a few days? I told the kids and family I wasn’t going to do math/science which is part of my job with homeschool. Turns out we have state testing which she tells me there is no other way to get out of it. 

Honestly, this all really just sucks. Not only do I not get to try and grow and achieve some goals, but we are doing all sorts of things on a Holiday Sabbath, many of which involve and affect other people. Our Homeschool director is so generous and kind, has gone way beyond for us. We are going to really negatively impact her by forcing an issue like this. We have a rescheduled Orthodontist appointment, which shouldn’t be a big deal to resched. Except they have a very limited schedule and we are at the tail end of 2 years of work.

And the main thing is that this is really “My thing”. My wife and family go along with me, and are supportive, but dont seem to care about any of this directly. They arent being forced or coerced by any means, and I would hate it if they felt dominated in this. I don’t believe they do. But at this point, demanding we simply cut all this, without any way of ameliorating the problem we are causing to others is also bad. 

What to do?

Im not at all opposed to trying to simply obey what my conscience says. I truly believe I need to do what God says at whatever cost to myself and others. I need to prioritize obedience both to the fundamental idea and the expression and heart of those ideas. But in this case, I feel it is important to back off. 

I don’t honestly know why. Normally I would really just rather sink the ship if that is what it takes. But something, somewhere is inside me thinking it isnt the right call. And because that is abnormal, Im really trying to discern if it is right or wrong. 

I understand that it could simply me wearing down. Hitting the wall of the hassle and burden of this. I dont want to frustrate my wife or family any more than they already are. Am I just avoiding paying the price of being “set apart”?

Or maybe I am just being an ASS to brute force this thing? 

Or am I not understanding a deeper thing which is how to express the heart of the matter? There are all sorts of circumstance that preclude someone from truly oberving this, from illness, other people, accessibility. Heck, I never even knew about this FOR YEARS, and Yah still led me to it eventually.

My Conclusion

I simply sat back, and asked Yah for help. Help me understand, help me do it right and honor you, help my family and their heart not be turned off by my insistence. Help the people that might be negatively impacted.

As I’m writing this, I’m sitting at my computer, while behind me my 2 boys are doing state testing on chrome books provided by the school. So far, we have had numerous computer failures resulting in my wife and I not taking a relaxing walk at the beach, her running around like crazy getting new computers, relogging in, boys crying and stressed at the situation and questions. This reminds me of previous holidays where I had naturally fermented soda rupturing and staining the floor during this holiday. Or other scenarios where I believe Yah gave me practical education about things like Sabbath.

We had dinner last night and read the Exodus story around the table, drinking hot chocolate and eating cookies. Today we will search the house for leavened bread and toss it. We will relax and indulge in little things that communicate to use we are resting. I did some gardening because I love it and it is enjoyable. We will watch some movies.

I had moments the last few days of concern as I watched people I respect dialog about the holidays and they seem to follow the Jewish calendar. “Maybe Im missing it!” Im thinking to myself. Then I see other folks start Sat evening like we had originally planned. “Crap, I wonder if it HAS to be sighted?”. I prayed for help and encouragement and I saw a simple quick You Tube blurb appear by another person I respect explain how things got shifted a day later last minute, and they never tell anyone what to do, but they were simply going to start Sunday night.

I did my best. And lest anyone think Im descending into some legalistic burden, Im not. This isn’t salvation. This isn’t having to figure it out right or else. I jsut WANT to do it well and honor God. This is one of the practical ways I get to reflect back how thankful I am. I dont want to get lost in the wrong side of the column, and somehow perpetuate the idea I have to be right, I have to figure it out, and it is critical. Faithfulness is my goal, not perfection. If Im beginning to compromise, I can assure anyone YHVH has a way of getting my attention and speaking exactly the way Im able to hear.

What I really hope is if this blog is ever ready by anyone else, and they feel like they are flailing, they will realize I am too. A lot of people are, even if they dont know it yet.

Posted in Torah, Wandering Mind

The Storyline

We are part of an ever developing element placed within an ever developing creation.

  • Time from YHVH’s reference could have been 14.5 billion years, while at the same time was a literal 6 days in Mankind’s reference.
  • We were set apart as a galaxy, within billions upon billions of other galaxies.
  • We are set apart within our galaxy as a solar system that has an incredibly detailed and unique balance of extremely tight tolerances to support living creatures as we know them. This is a result of massive amounts of element generating stars over billions of years.
  • Our planet is set apart from all the others within our solar system to be in perfect balance around the perfect star.
  • In this planet, living creatures developed into ever more sophisticated and complex creatures that share an overwhelmingly high percentage of exact same genetics.
  • Mankind (Humans as we know them), were set apart within the created framework to receive the Spirit of the Creator, placed within a special environment to grow and develop in awareness of the Creator within a relational matrix.
  • They were given one directive, and were told that if they did what was forbidden, they would die. That day they would die. However we know it was not a literal day in our 24 hour understanding. Perhaps it is a time reference idea, but it could very well be they were refused access to the Life Tree, and therefore had no ability to Live Forever.
  • As Mankind engaged their freewill, they either accelerated or completely circumvented the trust and faith YHVH required, and were no longer allowed to eat the fruit of the Life Tree. They now had knowledge, and that knowledge was now mixing with instinctual desires and appetites that now have to react to the information overload. Instincts, Desires, Appetites are now interpreting Knowledge without the ability to respond or act with the appropriate Wisdom and Maturity and Character of The Creator. Think about children or a dog being hungry and taking action which either hurts them, or deprives others of what they need. Everything is ran through a primal, self oriented set of governing parameters.
  • This Life Tree was either regularly restoring them, or was going to be a resource for them. Scripture never states they DIDNT eat from this tree.
  • The Creator did not want Mankind to access to the Life Tree due to their state of having both Knowledge and lacking the ability to compensate and maintain behavior consistent with The Creator.
  • The consequences for Mankind were that they would need to work and toil for food, pain in childbirth and pro-creation, the desire of female for male and therefore male being able to “rule” over female. Emnity between the seed of the woman and the seed of the serpent.
  • Now mankind has decisions to make, to listen to (SHEMA?) and submit to the Neshamah, or follow the Nephesh. One is the nature and character of The Creator, the other an appetite drive, self aggrandizing paradigm. (This might be a pattern later explained as being “led by the Spirit” etc… the prophetic promises of Yah’s own Spirit living inside mankind…)
  • Sin is the missing of the mark, the target. Doing (and later revealed to be the “spirit” or heart of motive internally) anything inconsistent with the Nature of YHVH is sin.
  • Cain is presented with the explanation that sin is waiting for him, but he can master it. This has a literal connection with woman desiring man, and man ruling over her. What desires you, can be denied, resulting in the desiring party to be without their desire.
  • We are NEVER instructed that we must, or will, sin. We don’t even know if Cain HAD SINNED YET. But eventually he did. YHVH was explaining the “heart” or the “spirit” under and precursory to eh behavior. He surrendered to his own desires and polluted the very substance he came from (the earth/dirt). He also experienced the separation from the land and was unable to produce any food for himself.
  • Cain was worried that he would be killed. By Whom? By descendants of Abel that had already spread out and procreated to such an extent that there was whole societies? Later these would be like “Avengers of Blood”. I think it is possible this refers to the other hominids who had not had the Neshamah. Cain could very well have joined with them, and ruled over them. His offspring would then be hybrids, and with selective genetics, grew into what may have become the Nephilim. Driven by the Nephesh (Nephilim/Nephesh?), they eventually became driven by their own appetites, with all sorts of resulting barbaric and immoral actions, as well as societal domination through ruling over others and dominating creation rather than serving and stewarding.
  • This seems to explain why fasting, in just about any form, would have tremendous impact. Denying anything of your appetites (Nephesh) would be very powerful..
  • Noah was “perfect in his generations” could very well be that he descended from Seth, with no inbreeding with the other hominids.
  • Post Flood, YHVH sets apart a people out from among the rest of Mankind. These are covenant people (Israel) who are to learn about YHVH, and demonstrate the goodness, kindness and character of YHVH. The result is that the rest of mankind can come and join in voluntarily t0 the covenant (“Gentiles”). They are given a special geographical place to learn, practice and grow. This is initially based on lineage (Sons of Israel) and then eventually is extended to others who join to, (are grafted) into the sons of Israel by faithfulness.
  • Within the set apart people (Israel) we have a tribe set apart to teach and serve the Covenant People. They are given a special place within the camp (and later the land) to learn and enjoy the Presence of YHVH, and then move out from there to teach the Covenant people. They stand in mediation for all Israel, as a pattern of all Israel standing for all Mankind.
  • Within the Tribe of Lvei (the preistly tribe, Levi meaning joined to), there is one individual who typifies the whole tribe who stands in unique position and mediation.
  • This special people, in a special place, have within them a special tribe, that operates a special place, in the heart of their society, that has the Presence of their God, and their God meets with them, and rules over them. The special place must be kept pure, and set apart. Interaction inside this specific location is with Yah is dominated by a sense of sanctity. The whole space must constantly be kept set apart, special, and unique or the literal Presence of the Creator will end up both destroying things that violate the holiness of the area, but eventually would actually leave rather than consume it all due to the negligence.The rituals and blood manipulation required in the proscribed routines is not about cleansing the individual worshipers, but focused on the purging and maintenance of the sacred space.
  • Only unintentional failures of conduct can be rectified in this system. There is no solution for moral deviation from the commands of the Creator (the Torah). Moral failures of an intentional nature have no recourse. Things like murder, adultery, immorality, idolatry etc… cannot be purged from the individual. The rituals are about the holy area, and the atonement clears the ground and makes it possible for the individual to approach the special area and Presence, but they do offer compensation and payment for the unintentional misdeeds of the person.
  • In essence, the special and sacred meeting place, which only allowed for a very small subset of individuals to operate in, and could only be visited by and occasioned by the rest of the set apart people, is finally removed from the earth. About 500 BCE, the presence of Yah leaves the physical space, and the special people are removed from the special geographical area. While they do return later, and set up the environment again, presumably at the direction of Yah, the glory and Presence of God never returns, and the special article called the Ark of the Testimony isnt located there. the people are almost totally abandoned, scattered, and bereft of the Prsenece and benefits of association witht heir God. A very small amount of them are able to return, and set up the system, but it becomes totally corrupted and a man made religion (Judaisim) is developed that mixes prior information with the present reality of a lack of Presences, and the wisdom of human thought. It descends into a legalistic set of observance of ritual and rules made up by the people overseeing the nation.
  • From these special people comes a a special unique person (related by blood) who embodies the Creator and fulfills (fills up) all the commands. This person is the TARGET. And this special person (The Messiah) will save the people from their separation from The Creator, and give them the Ruach/Spirit which will actually go down deep past behavior, and cause a fundamental change in their essence. As the people who experience this submit to this set apart spirit, they will be changed into a manifestation and demonstration of The Creator as well as experience a Life forever with The Creator, and no longer experience death. Either literal physical death, but also separation from the Neshamah/Ruach.
  • The physical death of this individual allows for a cleansing not just of the sanctuary (meeting place with God), but accomplish something impossible prior when the special environment itself WAS functioning in t he Presence of their God. By literally dying voluntarily, in a state of total moral and ritual purity, the individual (THE Messiah) accomplishes something seemingly impossible. He dies, and is resurrected according to many previous prophetic claims the Yahweh hinted at over the previous milennia. This individual becomes the death penalty for every moral failure possible, as the only atonment possible for intentional, willful breaking fo commandments was the death of the individual. Since this person gave up their life, and willingly bore the failures for others, anyone who is willing make take place with him and be absolved. His death becomes their death, and this sacrifice builds ont he previous concepts, but completes all phases needed of atonement.
  • Now the restricted area, both physically, but also from a set apart, holy perspective, which has been dissolved and destroyed, re-manifests itself by the Presence inside of individuals. And because of the previous principles, only special, set apart, ritually pure individuals can minister within this sacred space. Because the sacred space is now located within each individual, they themselves have becomes priests, functioning as a self contained meeting place. The membership in this priesthood is not about geneaology, inheritance, or status, but by being grafted in yet again into the pattern established by the Creator.
  • John the Baptiser mentions this by saying that God could make “sons of Abraham” from these very stones,. Paul the sent one talks about being “grafted In” to Israel by Faith, not by observance of a ritual. And the age of the fulfillment of the Kingdom of Yah on the Earth is now “at hand”. This good news is extended first to the special people who remain int he special land, and then extends out to those who had been previously removed, many of whom dont even know they are actually a part of the previous people. Along the way, anyone else who wishes to be brought out of their situation, into this special group can, as a repeat of the “mixed multitude”  who were delivered previously from Egypt to birth the special people at the beginning.
  • the gift of “eternal Life” is extended to any person who chooses to surrender to this new Kingdom. The eternal lif is a promise that at the culmination of the current established way of life, The Creator will return in physical form, and purge all evil and disobedience from creation. Those who have been renewed via the atonement and life/sacrifice of the Messiah will not come under the wrath and judgement of the Creator. They will be given a new life, and “born again” into the fulfilled state awaiting them as the inheritance of the Messiah. they will be “saved” from the Wrath of God. They may very well experience the wrath of mankind, and evil, but the final judgement and final death coming to the whole creation will not apply to them. In fact, they will be rewarded based on their ability to surrender to the Kingdom.
  • Life forever is not simply living without physical death. That would be Hell. To be dominated by the Nephesh forever would be a never ending experience of increasing appetite. Life Forever, would be living with, and enjoying the nature and character of The Creator. Scriptures tell us that within the new city of The Messiah, the Life Tree is in at the very middle. Nations (peoples) are given access to it, and it heals them. This happens on a regular, monthly basis (New Moon?).

Therefore, my earthly life is a nonstop educational process of learning how to trust the words of the Creator, trusting and walking by faith in the Creators Words (Torah) and Character. I learn to surrender and submit to the essence of the Creator. I learn to walk by this design of the Creator, which is not intuitive or native to my Nephesh. At some point in the Wisdom of The Creator, my physical body will undergo a change, and I will experience maturity and intimacy with The Creator because I will be like the Creator. I will agree in my own heart/spirit/essence with the things in the Heart/Spirit/Essence ofThe Creator.

This world is experiencing the results of generations of missing the mark, and the resulting confusion and chaos is overwhelming. It is impossible to come to the nature and character of The Creator by intimacy with the broken creation. It is by living in ever increasing relationship with The Creator mirrors the biblical experience of Enoch. Walking with YHVH until we are ready to enter into the Life The Creator designed for us.

Posted in Wandering Mind

God hates divorce?

This statement is used constantly throughout the modern christian circles, and is often met with a bunch of nodding heads and grim faces. It is used to prop up failed marriages, and (unfortunately) is used to imprison and re-abuse people (often women). Because it is a first person statement, from GOD, it is like the ultimate trump card to end all discussion and decision.

As a man who experienced divorce personally early in my adult life, this was a painful reality. While I certainly “earned” my divorce by being a terrible husband/person, I was puzzled and confused because SHE left. I never did any of the “biblical” things most communities use to justify divorce. I didnt want to be divorced, but there was nothing I could do. And I was ashamed that I had failed so badly that I was in a category that God expressly states as something God hates. I understood God didnt hate ME, but God hated the whole concept I was involved in.

Only after years (almost 2 decades) later, a remarriage to an amazing person, and a little Hebrew knowledge combined with a few statements by a scholar, and I found myself stunned and taken aback.

While I dont believe God likes divorce, the reality is far different than this commonly used cliche (trope?).

The famous quote

The funny part of this is many translations have begun translating this differently than the classic phrase used. But here are some examples on commonly used versions.

[Mal 2:16 NKJV] 16 “For the LORD God of Israel says That He hates divorce, For it covers one’s garment with violence,” Says the LORD of hosts. “Therefore take heed to your spirit, That you do not deal treacherously.”

[Mal 2:16 NASB20] 16 “For I hate divorce,” says the LORD, the God of Israel, “and him who covers his garment with violence,” says the LORD of armies. “So be careful about your spirit, that you do not deal treacherously.”

[Mal 2:16 NIV] 16 “The man who hates and divorces his wife,” says the LORD, the God of Israel, “does violence to the one he should protect,” says the LORD Almighty. So be on your guard, and do not be unfaithful.

[Mal 2:16 ESV] 16 “For the man who does not love his wife but divorces her, says the LORD, the God of Israel, covers his garment with violence, says the LORD of hosts. So guard yourselves in your spirit, and do not be faithless.”

  • In some cases God hates divorce. In others the man (male or husband) hates his wife.
  • In some cases divorcing your wife is equated to doing violence. In another it is in addition to the act.
  • The 2 examples where God is doing the hating, the last statement is warning about dealing treacherously, whereas the other 2 use the word unfaithful.
  • One pattern seems to be that the more recent the translation, the more tendency there is to translating this as the Human doing the hating and resulting in divorce. Earlier, or more classic versions stick with God doing the hating.

This is the only verse I am aware of where there is any claim to God directly addressing this issue and making a statement. I know in later things like Gospels and Epistles mention it, but not directly God making a statement. I take everything outside the Torah to be interpretation, example, or directions based on Torah.

The Hebrew breakdown

I am nOT a well trained Hebrew reader, and I have often used lazy things like Strongs to interpret and apply definitions in previous posts. I leave them there simply to remind myself Im on a journey, and foolish, and learning. However this passage in the Hebrew is easy to interpret totally different ways just in basic modern translations, so it might give us clues if we looked at the basics.

This is the Masoretic text

  כִּֽי־שָׂנֵא שַׁלַּח אָמַר יְהוָה אֱלֹהֵי יִשְׂרָאֵל וְכִסָּה חָמָס עַל־לְבוּשׁוֹ אָמַר יְהוָה צְבָאוֹת וְנִשְׁמַרְתֶּם בְּרוּחֲכֶם וְלֹא תִבְגֹּֽדוּ׃ ס

We will break down each piece to get a feel for the simple definition

כִּֽי־שָׂנֵא : This is a conjunction paired with a 3rd person, singular perfect verb for Hate.

שַׁלַּח: To send, often used to send away, and within Marriage, divorce. This is an infinitive verb in a Piel stem which communicates an intensive action, acting as a verbal noun. To send away emphatically and permanently.

אָמַר יְהוָה אֱלֹהֵי יִשְׂרָאֵל: These words are “Says Yehovah the Mighty One of Israel”

וְכִסָּה : This word is cover, a sequential perfect 3rd person masculine verb. This is the verb pairing with the masculine object quite probably of the same person (a man) doing the hating. So because this is sequential it is part of a series of things happenning.

חָמָס : This word is violence, and oddly enough is Chamas (Hamas) which is a whole wild example. It is violent, cruel, unjust etc…

עַל־לְבוּ : This is a conjunction with the word garment. Weirdly, this also functions as a euphemism for wife. Example would be in the case where “uncovering his/her nakedness” is sexual intimacy. This might have a double meaning here with sent away, covers, and the idea of divorcing.

The rest of the verse is a repeat of the previous verse ending about this being a warning to the reader that it is treachery, and YHVH does not want this because it can easily be treachery.

A simple english translations might be:

  • “Yehovah, the Mighty one of Israel says: To hate sending away is to cover your garments with violence”
  • “Yehovah, the Mighty one of Israel hates to permanently send away and cover garments with violence”

How about a little context?

Lets see if the previous verses or following ones help us get some understanding. This is pretty clearly the whole of the passage where this verse is contained.

[Mal 2:10-16 ESV] 10 Have we not all one Father? Has not one God created us? Why then are we faithless to one another, profaning the covenant of our fathers? 11 Judah has been faithless, and abomination has been committed in Israel and in Jerusalem. For Judah has profaned the sanctuary of the LORD, which he loves, and has married the daughter of a foreign god. 12 May the LORD cut off from the tents of Jacob any descendant of the man who does this, who brings an offering to the LORD of hosts! 13 And this second thing you do. You cover the LORD’s altar with tears, with weeping and groaning because he no longer regards the offering or accepts it with favor from your hand. 14 But you say, “Why does he not?” Because the LORD was witness between you and the wife of your youth, to whom you have been faithless, though she is your companion and your wife by covenant. 15 Did he not make them one, with a portion of the Spirit in their union? And what was the one God seeking? Godly offspring. So guard yourselves in your spirit, and let none of you be faithless to the wife of your youth. 16 “For the man who does not love his wife but divorces her, says the LORD, the God of Israel, covers his garment with violence, says the LORD of hosts. So guard yourselves in your spirit, and do not be faithless.”

In any way you take this verse, 2 things are pretty much connected. God is not accepting of the offerings made by God people (think Cain here?) because they are not being faithful to the “wife of your youth” even though she is been a companion and in covenant. Somehow Gods Spirit is part of this union, looking for Godly children to come forth (part of the eternal goal of God with Gods people). And the Husband in this scenario is being faithless, and that by this faithlessness is covering himself with violence.

So Who/What is this about

There are a few different ways to take this

  • This is a literal message speaking to the nation of Israel about the behavior of Men and their wives in marriage. The problem is this is mostly singular, so is this commenting on a specific person, or a representative “He” that means everyone? Is every man unfaithful?
  • This is a conceptual message explaining a problems in unanswered prayer and rejection by God because either Israel as a nation is unfaithful in their covenant marriage with God.
  • This is even possibly further conceptual because God is normally the Husband in these metaphors, but the whole passage is talking abut how Judah has been faithless/unfaithful (the common theme) by marrying the daughter of a foreign God. Here Judah is a “Husband”, singular masculine reference interacting with another “wife”.
  • If we take the whole passage in this context of Judah as an unfaithful Husband who is acting inappropriate with another “Woman”, then Judahs original “Wife of Your Youth” would be the original covenant partner who has been a companion of Judah the whole time. This would imply God as the Wife, being cheated on by her unfaithful, treacherous Husband.

At this point there is another wrinkle. and possibly even more odd to our typical use of this verse. Nehemia Gordon is very skillful and educated in his ability to read Hebrew, and wrote this article breaking this down. A summary is this:

Who is this “he” that hated to divorce? Could it possibly be YHWH? One rule of Biblical Hebrew is that it does not contain “indirect speech”. For example, it never has a sentence like: ‘Nehemia says he is really tired.’ It always has, ‘”I am really tired”, says Nehemia.’ If it said, ”Nehemia says he is really tired.” it would mean that someone else is tired (“he”), not Nehemia. So if YHWH says, “he hated to divorce” (or even: “he hated divorce”), it could not be YHWH who hates divorce, but some other person being referred to as “he”. When all these translations translated “I hate divorce” they were consciously and intentionally changing what it says in Hebrew, creating a new prophecy which does not appear in the book of Malachi. This can be confirmed by reading on in the verse:

“Because he hated to divorce, says YHWH God of Israel, and he covered his garment with corruption, says YHWH of hosts. So be careful for your spirits, do not betray!” (Mal 2:16 [NG])

… he continues …

So it is not that YHWH hates divorce. It simply does not say that in Mal 2:16. What YHWH hates is a husband who abandons his wife for another.

An abandoned wife is not divorced, so she cannot remarry, but at the same time her husband does not fulfill his husbandly duties to her. So she is stuck in limbo. The abandoned wife of the youth is a theme that appears elsewhere in Scripture. Isa 54:16, says:

Nhemia also has a couple videos that address topics of marriage and divroce inside of scripture context.

Do you “GET” it?

This is in fact a common dilemma inside the Jewish community. A woman is not allowed to remarry without a “get“, or a certificate that she is, in fact, divorced and sent away. If this is certifiable, she is then free to remarry another man. This is permissible, and in the Ancient Near East, was life saving as women had no property rights, and no ability to support themselves. Without this process, it creates widows. And there are loads of commands to care for them as they are most often poor and needy.

But if a man decides he doesnt like his wife, and finds someone else, he is now unfaithful to his covenant. But what if he doesnt want the solution? What if because of things like social, economic, familial, or other factors it is costly, painful, difficult etc.. to officially send her away? Then perhaps he continues on if his “violence”. He is making a woman destitute, unloved and uncared for. Yet he is not releasing her to be folded into another mans household and resources. To be loved, supported, and protected against starvation, disdain, poverty etc…

Essentially this unfaithful man might as well be beating her, and walking away covered in her blood. He is walking around having what he wants, yet the whole time “doing violence” to his true wife. He hates the prospect of divorce, yet wont stop being unfaithful and hating his wife.

Trying to make sense of it

In no way do I think God likes divorce. God is a God of covenant and faithfulness. There is no indication that God ever desires this. Even God “divorces” Israel. Lots of debates about what this really means, but it was definitely in the context of the very last choice in response to gross unfaithfulness

[Jer 3:6-8 ESV] 6 The LORD said to me in the days of King Josiah: “Have you seen what she did, that faithless one, Israel, how she went up on every high hill and under every green tree, and there played the whore? 7 And I thought, ‘After she has done all this she will return to me,’ but she did not return, and her treacherous sister Judah saw it. 8 She saw that for all the adulteries of that faithless one, Israel, I had sent her away with a decree of divorce. Yet her treacherous sister Judah did not fear, but she too went and played the whore.

So 2 main ways seem to be the most viable in this verse, and neither really reflects what seems to be the actual Hebrew. It shows a possible bias and possibly even an agenda to use this verse for a purpose. And that context has become a basic framework that most modern translators work from, rather than infer from the actual text itself. Im certainly no Hebrew scholar, and those folks wh do the actual work have far more education, access to resources, and deep background in the disciplines of translation. So maybe there is more to this than a simple guy like me can grasp. I know even King James was pissed off about this idea of Gods (THE CATHOLIC CHRUCH in reality) opposition he started his own whole religious system!

The 2 basic takeaways I have are:

  1. Judah as a whole has been unfaithful to the original covenant partner who has been a companion since Judah’s youth. The covenant was made with the goal of creating Godly offspring, and was in partnership with the Spirit of Yehovah. And this unfaithfulness is violent and destructive.
  2. Israelite men are being unfaithful to their wives. And to make matters even worse, are refusing to relieve their wives of the marriage covenant and allow them to be cared for as they desrve, and as God intends. This is just as if they are beating them, and are walking around covered in the blood of their wives.

In either case, while God never says God is PRO divorce, this passage is not seeming to ever say God hates divorce. God might in fact hate it, but this verse really isnt seeming to easily address that.

It would be even more inappropriate to push an agenda against divorce using this verse, and possibly many others. Truly divorce doesnt glorify God, but neither do unfaithful marriages. And even the words of Yeshua addressing divorce are sat very directly in the debates of then current discussions among rabbinic leader. Research the House of Shamai vs House of Hillel and this topic. Women were property, and unrighteous mean were promoting heinous concepts about casting women off for whatever reason, and trying to use God’s authority to defend it.

Tyler Dawn Rosenquist has an AMAZING website full of research, and she has several great examples of information about this.

Again, Im all for supporting marriage, but Im against making idols of them. As a man who was divorced, and didnt understand this position, I was bewildered to learn this so many years later. I dont ever feel right to promote divorce unless there is abuse or neglect or dysfunction. I wont ever support women staying in relationships where this occurs and they want out. Im not talking about personality differences, or perceptions, or assumptions, but hard and real facts.

A woman being controlled, abused, neglected or in any way truly harmed should NEVER stay in a marriage or around a man behaving this way.

And Vice versa… many women might not be physically able to abuse men (some ARE), but they can be unfaithful, abusive, dysfunctional etc…

Lets STOP falsely claiming verses and God’s positions and injecting our own biases into these situations.

Posted in Wandering Mind

The Revealing Righteousness of God

We are all looking for the revelation whether we know it or not.

One thing I never grasped, but now seems so obvious and simple is this basic, often quoted verse:

Rom 1:16-Rom 1:17 ESV For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek. For in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith for faith, as it is written, “The righteous shall live by faith.”

I have always read this and simply associated righteousness as this thing like moral perfection. Yeshua/Jesus is the perfect execution of pure right behavior, motives, etc.. and because of this perfection, the voluntary personal sacrifice made on behalf of anyone else is perfect.

While I think Yeshua exemplifies the total perfect revelation of what YHVH is, thinks, considers important etc… I feel that I have simply missed something critical. Consider this:

21 But now the righteousness of God has been manifested apart from the law, although the Law and the Prophets bear witness to it— 22 the righteousness of God through faith in Jesus Christ for all who believe. For there is no distinction: 23 for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, 24 and are justified by his grace as a gift, through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus, 25 whom God put forward as a propitiation by his blood, to be received by faith. This was to show God’s righteousness, because in his divine forbearance he had passed over former sins. 26 It was to show his righteousness at the present time, so that he might be just and the justifier of the one who has faith in Jesus.

The way this following idea came to me was reading through James Dunn and EP Sanders presentations on Romans. I dont recall exactly which part, and now I cannot find it, but when I read it my jaw dropped. Many people probably already know or think this way, but I had simply not understood it.

Ill make a few operational definitions first:

  1. Righteousness: Rightness before God. However, I had never thought through the context of the relationship between God and everything else. It is through a covenant, a formal matrix of obligations, expectations, and instructions. You cannot just associate with the creator of everything by your own volition, let alone make up a context.
  2. law: Im thinking this is Torah, teachings of Moses applied to the covenant people. At times, Paul seems to be using different meanings for law, and it gets tricky.
  3. faith: This is more than just mental agreement. In fact, what you think has almost no bearing on this word. It is what you DO that proves what you believe, which is based on what you think. Faith in Jesus Christ (Messiah Yeshua, the anointed one who is the salvation of YHVH come to Earth)

So this all is within the covenant relationship. I see the covenants happening in “pulses”, but perhaps they are all distinct from each other. They all seem to at least be related, and build on each other. “Stacked” might be a good model.

Abraham receives visitation from YHVH and accepts the covenant through his response. He hears, he believes, then he acts. YHVH declares Abraham as righteous. The covenant is interesting because it really does imply almost exclusive reliance on YHVH. The only thing Abraham has to do is respond with a physical action, albeit a possibly difficult one. He does it. And God has promised him that his people who come from him will be in the land… There isnt anything else recorded in the covenant for Abraham to do, but all sorts of implied things God must do to maintain it.

Moses receives a covenant that is either an “add-on”, extension, or perhaps a new one stacked on top. In either scenario, This covenant has an almost opposite setting. God will do several things, and the people need to respond by adapting themselves to a set of instructions, the teachings or “Torah”. These are surprisingly simple things, although they get turned into all sorts of ideas and practices. The people simply respond to the covenant by doing what they say they believe is the truth. And these things reveal both what is righteous, and what/how YHWH operates. It is RIGHT to DO what is documented in the covenant.

The only righteousness is what is defined in the covenant itself.

In both cases, the actions reveal the parties involvement in the covenant, and their “rightness” of their status. If either party does not behave “right”, their participation in the covenant is almost certainly void. They cannot expect the benefits of the covenant. In cases where the covenant describes actions to be taken if covenant details are NOT fulfilled then something like “penalties” are at least a possibility, if not a requirement.

In the case of a covenant scenario, righteousness is measured by confirmation (better yet conformity) to the covenant itself. A party is only righteous if what they are doing is consistent with the covenant. There isn’t an external standard unless explicitly referred to.

If 2 parties (Party A and Party B) were in a covenant, and one of the conditions was that if X happens, or y does not happen, Party A will go over and take $1.000.000 worth of property from Party B, that is RIGHTEOUS. If Party A did this without covenant, it would be illegal, immoral, and wrong. Weirdly, without any covenant, it is neither righteous or unrighteous.

Jesus/Yeshua is not a revealing of how moral YHVH is

With this mindset in place, it changes these passages. Absolutely Yeshua is loving, kind, compassionate, and many other positive and incredible things. The behavior of The Messiah shows us what The Father is like. Not only is it entirely positive, good etc… it is not negative. There is no evil, no unjust behavior.

But this isnt really righteousness. It is the character of God, not the righteousness in relationship to the covenant.

What IS the righteous behavior of the covenant? Salvation.

It is the deliverance itself that reveals the righteousness of YHVH. The odd twist in the covenant with Abraham, if not then included in subsequent covenants (or covenant events), is that it seems entirely 1 sided in any significant part. Abraham literally laid there, and essentially passed out. He was entirely passive, and all the good promises about having a land, having YHVH be your God, and all the blessings are noted, but nothing about Abraham is implied except to say yes to the covenant. Of course, he does this by circumcision, but that seems to be it.

Later, in Moses, we see instructions, but they also have provision for when the instructions are violated. In unintentional, there is a LOT of ability to have them “covered” over, or “atoned”. If the are intentional, in the majority of cases, repentance and restitution makes atonement possible. The penalty of the covenant is forgiven.

  1. What if, in the foresight of God, the place of atonement is going to disappear?
  2. What if somehow YHWH KNOWS the Temple will be removed.
  3. What if the prophetic people throughout Israel’s history talked about a great in gathering of people, not just the Hebrew, Israelite, Jewish people left in the land who are not in the covenant already?

Obviously people who believe in Yehovah generally accept his ability to know everything. All of these conditions, and many other possibilities, require a way for Yah to either fulfill the obligations Yah voluntarily agreed to/offered, or Yehovah is declared unrighteous. Yah gave Yah’s WORD, swearing essentially by YAH. Yah would be taking Yah’s own name in vain, bringing it to nothing. And because Yah is what Truth is, Yah would be false.

I do NOT intend in any way to present the idea Yehovah is being forced by vanity into doing something. Nor am I supposing the God of Israel did anything begrudgingly. The plan already had been conceived before creation itself. But it never manifested, or made itself a material reality, until the right time.

Yeshua coming as The Messiah, and doing the works themselves were not just a demonstration of the saving nature and character of the God I serve. The manifestation of Salvation in the person of Yeshua WAS the righteousness of Yah because the covenant YHVH entered into dictated that. A seemingly 1 sided covenant, with all the power and ability mounded up on 1 side, and an expectation of faithful behavior according to the already good character and intentions of the Creator on our side.

This isn’t a revealing of good behavior, or appropriate, loving conduct. It is God’s own answer to God’s own requirements in God’s covenant offered up to a completely incapable human party who can do little more than be an object of an insane, incomprehensible amount of GRACE from the other party.

Posted in Torah, Wandering Mind

If Circumcision is an Ethnic Identifier then . . . Part 3

Conversion… that’s the ticket!

So the logical solution seems to be conversion. There is a general tolerance for a “gentile” or a “stranger” to interact with the Temple or even the Jewish community. But this is a whole different deal. A non-jew wanting to integrate themselves with the synagogue, participate with the community, claim to worship the God of Israel etc… this is all far more complex and intense. The solution is clearly conversion of ethnic identity. You can have all sorts of differing opinions and even theology, but if you are a Jew, you’re a Jew.

The single defining characteristic of being Jewish? Physical circumcision of the male would be primary. Being born from a Jewish mother is obviously a proof, but these are “gentiles”. There is even some reason to believe the mix of people coming in droves COULD be both Jews who have lost Jewish identity from previous rounds of dispersion from Israel under the Assyrian and Babylonian invasions, as well as literal “gentiles”.

So you go to the local gatherings, you explain you had a “religious experience” with Yeshua the Nazarene, and you want to worship the God of Israel.

The “Able” and the “Unable”

Those who are “unable” to see Yeshua as Messiah look at you weird. I can only imagine the thought process. My guess is generally the response is “No”. However if you are “hell bent” on it, there is a formal conversion process potentially. There seem to be researchers and scholars who mention it.

Those who are “able”, the ethnic Jews who do receive Yeshua as the Messiah, are also in a weird spot. In the Gospel accounts the first people to “follow” Yeshua are Jewish. However some of the first res-ponders outside of the people who eventually become “apostles” are NOT Jewish as an ethnic identity. Samaritans, Romans etc… are also responding. Hoiwever the main group seem to be Jewish people, Israelites within Israel itself.

What’s a Yeshua following Jew to do with you?

The real confusion might be inside this community. You come to faith in Yeshua, identifying him as THE Messiah. And there is lots of debate as to whether all these Jews conceived of Yeshua the same. But they all have a common thread of conviction, but come from a dynamic and myriad set of “Judaisms”. But the conflict with the “unable” is significant enough to begin a subset, or a “sect” of the Jews in Israel. They have enough trouble with the rest of the population, but now within the community they get plenty of greif.

And now there is a bunch of “goyim” coming and joining. Strangers, foreigners, others. I imagine the first response ranges from “No” to “Maybe” to “I dont have a clue”. But a set of weird events begins to unfold. Not in any order but:

  1. Shaul, the Pharisee is converted and changes from hunting down Yeshua followers to proclaiming Yeshua was “The Messiah”. Part of his message os that the “end of the age” really is here.
  2. “Peter”, o of the original disciples of Yeshua, goes through a bizzare experience where Yah explains to him that the “others” are not inherently “unclean”. They might do things inconsistent with Torah, but they are not intrinsically “unclean”, and it is not inappropriate to associate with them.
  3. In Antioch, there is a massive explosion of gentile believers in Yeshua, and they are not only dedicating themselves to the Kingdom of Yehovah, they are changing their life and practice.

And the common thing that makes all this even more bizarre. . . they are experiencing a “Baptism of the Spirit”, i.e. a visitation of the Spirit of Yah that results in external, perceptible phenomenon. Things that are clearly miraculous, supernatural, and things only previously seen happening to Jews who came to faith in Yeshua.

This is a real problem. Clearly, these people are receiving the promise of the end of the age, just like other Jewish beleivers. Peter mentioned this one Shavuot where THOUSANDS of Jews come to faith at the Temple, having come there from all over the known world. Paul is going around and explaining that it is the end of the age, and have they heard of this Baptism of the Spirit, not just the baptism of repentance? Apparently in Antioch, “Gentile” communities are springing up without significant Jewish involvement, and the same stuff is happening. It is so weird that the Jewish leaders from Jerusalem send Paul and others to verify things are real.

So clearly, Paul is on to something. The “end of the age” is here, and Peter is also right. The Spirit is being poured out… on ALL flesh. Not just Jews. And massive waves of people are coming into local synagogues, and gathering together on their own.

The mixed bag of Jeiwsh believers in Yeshua make the next jump in logic. Since the 1 God if Israel seems to be executing the “end of the age” plan of action, we need a way to integrate non Jews and Jews into a working group. The debate begins. One group sees it as obvious, if you are coming to worship Yehovah, you have to become one of Yahs people.

This is an ethno-centric concept. It isn’t just a thinking thing, or a behavior thing, it is an ethnic thing.

Who you worship defines your ethnic identity

This is where I think the real debate is. Some people I mentioned earlier make a claim that the debate of circumcision is the real issue, not obeying Torah. Does a believer in Yeshua have to be physically circumcised (what about women believers btw?)? Clearly, God is choosing to give them all the same blessings (and hardships eventually) regardless.

Paul says “Abraham didn’t have Torah, and he believed God, and that was what was righteous”. He did circumcise himself and his household, but AFTER belief. Paul begins to explain that clearly circumcision itself isn’t the issue. If you think it is, you are missing the whole story. Physical, external proof wasn’t enough for the prophets either. It is the heart, the belief that God was looking for. And clearly, the visitation of the Spirit of God is giving proof that physical cutting isn’t a requirement.

One conclusion is that circumcision is purely an ethnic identifier. Since God is now bring in ALL peoples, the function of circumcision is purely ethnic. And to many, it is vital there is both a Jewish identity, and a non Jewish identity at the same time.

I have reached out to one author and asked if the command to circumcise is in the Torah, and there is only ONE Torah for all who follow Yah, why is it decided that this is only ethnic. His answer was “It just is”.

To be clear, I DONT believe someone must be physically circumcised to be “saved”. But i was curious why this one directive is pulled out by some groups. Other groups say “Torah observance” is ONLY for Jewish people. Other groups say “Torah is done away with”.

I see that most proponents of continuing distinction of Jewish vs non Jewish Yeshua followers tend to be “Messianic Jews”. It seems very important to them to keep all this going. They mgiht be right. I dont knwo, but there always seems ot be a bit of bias.

I think the problem in this is more clear from an Ancient Near East perspective. It was understood that if you were a Moabite, you worshiped Molech. If you were a Philistine, you worshipped Dagon, and on and on.

I think the opposite was somewhat true. If you worshipped x god, you were part of x group. Obviously, people integrated multiple gods, but the main one you identified with WAS your people group.

If Im right, it was a logical thing to expect you were changing your ethic identity when you changed Gods. You were turning away from whatever you were born into, so oviously what you were turning to meant you changed your group.

We see that Ruth, the Moabite did this. “Your God will be my God, your people will be my people”. In fact I have heard modern Jews debate that this is the ONLY requirement for Israelite citizenry! She was forsaking all other Gods (in this case probably ugly evil Molech) and embracing Yehovah. But she was a woman. She didnt carry the physical mark. But clearly a righteous, God fearing (potentially one of the most righteous examples in all of scripture) Hebrew/Israelite men felt appropriate in marrying her. All her children were considered Hebrew/Israelites.

Is this idea at the base of the circumcision conflict? Is it the simple assumption that in the period of time the confusion was being sorted out that it isnt an issue of whether or not someone was accepted by Yehovah, or whether they should obey Torah. Maybe it was the simple probglem that if someone was “converting” from one God to another, were they actually changing their ethnic association/identity? IF they WERE, and that was the mindset of the time, they had to BECOME the new ethnic group. And all males had this requirement. It WAS the thing that made it different.

Unless it was no longer the 1 God if Israel. Maybe the Israelites never actually had any claim to Yehovah uniquely, or at least permanently? Maybe there is all sorts of information that at some point, the 1 God of Israel is the 1 God of creation, and regardless of what or who someone worshipped, when they forsake and turn away from these things and “shema” (hear and obey) Yah, they become part of Yehovah’s Kingdom regardless of their ethnic identity.

This is what Mark Nanos gets to in one of his books. If the 1 God of Israel is the 1 God of creation, then by forcing people to become ethnic Israel (through male circumcision), Yehivah is no longer the God of all. He is only the God of ISrael! What a fascinating point to make. This fits with what I gathered earlier, that there seems to be a need, expressed often in my limited exposure, by Messianic Jews, that there must be a Jewish and Non-Jewish identity in the functioning Kingdom of Yehovah.

But these 1st century Jews coming to faith in Yeshua as Messiah arent able to see it. They are working with what they know. They dont have massive volumes of research, scripture manuscripts (searchable, indexed and online!). They have what they have been told, and how they were raised. Yehovah is the God of Israel. If you worship Yah, you become Israel. Israel is separate from the others because of covenant, and that covenant begins with Abraham, and physical circumcision. Common cultural expectation is that when you changes Gods, you change ethnic identification.

Perhaps this is the basis for the confusion. Paul, never leaving his Jewish ethnic identity, practice or worldview, explains that this was the plan, all along. It was hidden and obscured a bit. But now, the end of the age, the Messianic Reign is at hand. All the peoples are able to come back from the dispersion of Babel (check out the Deut 32 worldview so elegantly expressed by Michael Heiser). All of creation is now able to “Repent”, turn away and come under obedience to YHVH. When they do, they come into covenant like Israel. They are “grafted in” to the same rootstock.

I personally beleive, since there is 1 Torah, 1 set of covenant instructions, that the behavior and practice needs to conform to the instructions. I dont think it is out of politeness. I think it is simple. But as a “Gentile” I have to learn it, adapt my life to it,a nd practice it.

I leave it up to individuals whether they want to be circumcised or not. The beauty is, that isnt the way to be “saved”. Salvation of Israel ALWAYS comes before requirements and is always “BY FAITH”. It always was. For Israelites, they heard God say “When x happens, do y”, so they did. The doing was evidence that they believed God meant what God said. Sacrifices atoned because God said it did, and offering them up was based on faith. There is plenty of evidence that willful, non repentant actions were NOT accepted by God. You cannot just disobey and bring an offering tomorrow.

How these 2 groups get along is important. Again, Mr Nanos has gobs of detail about the practical idea here. As a Gentile, I would have to get around Jewish people, hear the Torah, and try to understand what Im supposed to do next. But if I were to continue on in my “Pagan” lifestyle, and commit several common types of idolatry and immorality while Im learning, it would make it almost impossible for a well meaning Jewish community to let me come and go as I pleased. I make them engage a state of ritual “uncleaness” constantly. I need to make an immediate change to a few sets of behaviors, and then repent from things as I go. This is the Acts 15 “Apostolic Decree”.

What a beautiful mess this is. And unfortunately, what eventually happens is the “Nations” come streaming in, and begin to push out the Israelite/Hebrew/Jewish ethnic people. We see if in the letter to the Romans, where a replacement theology is already starting. It gels into both a sect, and a political movement. It finally coalesces with an emperor taking advantage of this and turns into a worldwide religion, developing a whole set of theologies, practices, and cultures. It goes through spasms and “protesting” groups create even more havoc, developing a final Anti-Semitic construct that is only now really beginning to be addressed.

Posted in Torah, Wandering Mind

If Circumcision is an Ethnic Identifier then . . . Part 2

I don’t think I as a modern, post-evangelical Westerner understand just how catastrophic the mishmash of cultures, thoughts and personalities that happened in Israel in the 1st century really was. After decades of foreign occupation, a revolt, and constant pressure within and without, there now emerges what would appear to be the undoing of the whole mess.

The emerging Pharisee movement, which now to me seems to me to be a desire to move the authority and infrastructure of atonement and service into the local home away from the Saduccees (albeit under the oversight of the Pharisee leadership, not just an average Jew), is galvanizing into something more. It sure seems as if it is the progenitor of modern “Rabbinic” judaisim which will coalesce just a few decades later.

The threat that Yeshua presented to the status quo does seem to me to be dramatic. I also believe that was intentional. The end of the Temple, the end of the atonement process dictated by Torah, the scattering of the priesthood, the disassociation from the land and much more, it was all about to “hit the fan”. My personal conviction is YHVH knew it, designed it,a nd sent an eternal sacrifice to stand in place for the loss of all this and more.

To make all this even more chaotic, take a bunch of newly converted non-Jews and picture them come running to the local synagogue full of excitement and wonder.

What to do with all these goyim?

It is hard enough to keep the world spinning and not piss off the local Romans. Now take a dozen Romans and give them a spiritual, life changing experience, with a deity that is uniquely associated with Israel. Then start to explain some basics like:

  1. Yehovah, the Mighty One of Israel in ONE. The many different layers of meaning in here are complex. But lets just leave it at “There is only 1 God in Israel”.
  2. Your whole heart, mind, soul, strength etc… all of you, is to be devoted to this ONE God.
  3. Yahweh will not accept any other gods in Yahwehs face.
  4. The Messiah who grabbed a hold of your life will come back as the reigning King over all the Earth, and will set up an unshakeable government that will never end.
  5. The unique people YHWH chose, have a very clear set of behavioral, cultural, and operational guidelines. The Messiah followed these, and all the initial people who heard and believed the message do as well.
  6. Previously to being occupied, Israel had a whole set of guidelines for how to receive, interact with, and accept non Jews.

And now here is a real problem . . . they keep coming.

When Burning Man comes to your local gathering

The only modern idea I can think to relate to is Burning Man. Im familiar enough with this group to use this example, but I want to make sure I qualify the following by saying NOT NEARLY all Burning Man, the attendees, or the organization fit this ideal. But if you were to attend it, you would see a LOT of this type of activity, especially among specific “camps”.

Lets say the modern society is a mix of people, but that in general, it is far more permissive (and encouraging and facilitating) of behavior that is far different than a typical evangelical or jewish group. In fact, the underlying paradigm is itself religious, and incorporates ritualistic sex, prostitution, eating and drinking to excess, eating things considered unacceptable and more… Even the government itself is intertwined with this to such an extent that you cannot separate it.

So lets also say, an incredible experience grips the hearts of 100 attendees of this gathering, and having had an intense, personal, life changing encounter with a recently executed criminal, find the nearest house of worship and rush into the building at the very next gathering. In addition, another 200 who watched this stuff happen, and are intrigued want to see what happens and know more.

Regardless of whatever evangelical preacher at a revival, sunday gathering, or home group has ever claimed, not one of them really want this to happen. A bunch of wild people, without any concern for the way things are conducted normally, who have had an earth shattering personal experience causing them to totally change their perspective on life itself, come piling in asking questions. it is Mad Max meets Sunday School.

In 1st century Israel, it might look like this.

Being excited, passionate people, they decide to start doing what they know and understand. Maybe some used to be normal “blue collar” types, just trying to get by, and never really engaged the religious exercises. Some were devout, and want to know what it is they need to do. Some might even be priests, priestesses, or even more dramatic, temple prostitutes (male or female), and some have even given themselves over to other gods so completely that things are getting really uncomfortable for everyone.

I can imagine some have a few animals, dead or alive, ready to offer up as a sacrifice. Some have their bodies ready. Some are used to engaging in behaviors with other people that act out what they hope to happen in a supernatural realm. Some are sick, some are poor and hungry, some are homeless and unstable. Some are local well off citizens of Rome, some might even be tax collectors, soldiers, and politicians.

All of these folks have a few questions… and every day there is MORE. They start gathering in homes and in open places. When the Roman authorities start asking “Who are you, why are you gathering, who gave you permission, when is the last time you offered up your offering to the Emporer?” etc… the say

“We are Jews. We follow Yeshua of Nazareth, the Messiah of Israel”.

So the centurion goes to the local synagouge, asks to speak to the local Rabbi or Elder, and says “Hey you cant have your people out here doing this. They need to come inside and work with you guys on your holy day. By the way, these people don’t look, smell, act or behave like you. What the hell is happening?”

The elder probably says “I have no idea what, or who you are talking about. They arent Jews or even Israelites”. If he is a jew who believe in Yeshua as Messiah or not, it really doesnt matter (yet). To him, they are just a bunch of weirdos who want in on a really confusing conflict happening internally within the local jewish community. The “gentiles” arent really involved in this. He might even think to himself “Maybe they just want to have an excuse to get out of observing all the taxes, offerings and activities that dominate the typical Roman system of government and religion? Good luck to them!”

The Roman then might say “Well these people claim they are, and we don’t want any more hassles like we had as your weird New Year holiday. There was earthquakes, and the Sun disappeared. Then at your next shindig, all sorts of Jewish people were wobbling around drunk off their butts all day. Get you people in line or we will do it for you, and then we will come make things right around here.”

Is belief in Yeshua the big difference?

It is possible that while it does make a difference, the conviction of Yeshua as Messiah isn’t the real problem here. The real problem begins to become even weirder. These crazy gentiles claim to believe in Yehovah. Not only that, but somehow they are beginning to shift from all sorts of personal convictions and actions, to a desire to serve Yehovah. Not just add to a list of gods, but forsake the other gods and serve Yah only. Some pesky jews that DO believe in Yeshua as Messiah are teaching them Torah. And weird stuff is happenning. Things only hinted at in the prophetic books. Miracles, and not just easy to explain away miracles. Raising people from the dead. In fact, the same scary stuff the Yeshua guy was doing, the people who followed Him are doing.

And the gathering of these people is being done with the claim that is is sanctioned under the local synagogue. It is bad enough there is a subset of jews following and claiming Messiahship to Yeshua. Now the same subset is getting overrun by gentiles. If they were jsut off to their own area, fine. But now uncircumcised, unclean people are trampling all over the local gatherings of good jews.

Something must be done about it, but what? All jews need to stick together and not lose the ground they have in Rome. There has always been a high level of tolerance for different opinions and frameworks in the jewish community. Ive read countless books and passages about the multiple “judaisims” of the time.

But now the “great unwashed” that Israel has been trying to stay separate from is invading. And the problem is spilling over from “The Way” or “the Nazarites” or whatever you think they were called. It is creating havoc. And the numbers are growing so much that it is clear the numbers of non-jews will far exceed the jew.

So maybe the way to fix this is conversion. Maybe the way to address this is to get an initiative underway to bring all these non-jews into the jewish nation. This would solve all sorts of problems, and perhaps even grow the numbers of jews in Israel to a bigger constituency than ever before!

Lets see what happens in Part 3!

Posted in Torah, Wandering Mind

If Circumcision is an Ethnic Identifier then Part 1. . .

I have been off on a rabbit trail and I dont recall exactly how I got started. But it went something like this:

  1. I came across a concept being expounded upon by a professor named Dunn, who was expounding on earlier work by another professor named Sanders. It has its origins in an idea called “New Perspective on Paul“.
  2. I found everything easily accessible ont he web and went off the deep end reading it. Then I bought a few books on Amazon Kindle to read and learn more.
  3. I then came across work I had seen and heard about earlier by Mark Nanos. I hadn’t read too far into this several years back.

What I found is that there have been progressive iterations through a general idea that was apparently contrary to the typical, classic approach to Paul, and therefore Paul’s writings and theology, and some resulting potential conclusions. These ideas didn’t seem to be revolutionary to me, but then I realized it might be because enough of the materials has already made its way around a lot of the things I have read and heard the last 10 or so years.

It is pretty radical… ready….

Paul didn’t “convert” to christianity.

Even more never intended to start a new movement or separate from the milieu he already had.

Additionally, Paul didn’t encourage anyone to change their religion or practice.

I know I am being a bit sarcastic, but this is not big news. I realize it very well would have been before I began my exit from christianity and embracing Torah as a lifestyle. I came to this through looking at Messiah, and realized Messiah didn’t come to start any new religion and never intended for anyone to build anything either. So if Messiah didn’t, I assumed Paul didn’t. And therefore Paul’s letters were not advocating anything like a new movement of practice, or structure or anything.

This concept however puts into motion a series of thoughts that progress through all sorts of things modern theology people think about. One of them is the letters to Romans, as well as Corinthians and Galatians. All these have Paul comparing and discussing applications translated as “Law” and the interaction with Law (Most often Torah), and Faith. There is an action that defines the conflict more than anything, and it is circumcision.

So if there isn’t a “new movement” or new “orthopraxy”, does that mean the Jewish (or Israelite/Hebrew) “halakah” of the period is the behavior and focus of everyone who comes to faith and follows Messiah?

1 Torah for all

My understanding has been very simple, and still remains pretty certain. There is 1 Torah (Teaching/Instruction) for everybody who is engaged with Yehovah. If you are a Hebrew, or at the point of the 1st century, Jewish, then you are familiar with it. In fact, while there are lots of differing “Judaisms” at the time, Almost all seemed to have a whole set of things interpreting and applying Torah to everyday life.

Some people believe that the “Rabbis” and/or “Pharisees” as well as other groups were putting all sorts of rules and laws together and making them on par with Torah/Tanakh. Many people, myself included, believe that this was one of the main targets of Messiah. YHVH was actually attacking and removing many devices and traditions that had taken the place of the original, simple, Torah directives. People were promoting, identifying and including/excluding membership in the Jewish community based on their additions or subtraction.

However those of us (like me) who were not raised with any awareness of the Torah, but came along and got broadsided by Messiah, and came “to faith” in the salvation of YHWH were in quite a weird situation. The only background was the current polytheistic, emperor cult (if you lived in the Roman empire) along with an overall “pagan” lifestyle. In fact at first I doubt I would have realized that I was only supposed to worship just 1 God. I would have tried to add Yahweh top the list. Maybe I would have put Yah up towards the top, but Im not sure I would have even grasped a whole lot more.

I have always maintained that if I were a 1st century convert to following the Messiah of Israel, I would have had to go connect with an Israelite (a “Jew” at this time) and ask them what just happened to me! The hope is I would have been able to connect with the same Jew who preached the good news, but it quickly became possible it could have been a non-Jew (a “Gentile”) who first shared it with me. It seems that way in Antioch, and possibly Rome. Things were very dynamic, and while there were a lot of Jewish people coming to faith in the Messiah, it grew fast and way beyond them. In fact the most probably became a minority in a short period of time.

How would I know?

I would have to go looking for someone to explain what happened, and what Im supposed to do about it. This is where is gets very tricky. It is similar now. Go to any outwardly visibly religious, or “practicing” Jew, and tell them you want to learn about what they believe and what you need to do. Many will look at you like you are nuts. They might ask you “Are you Jewish?”, and then when you tell them “No”, it gets weirder.

Ive done something a bit like this. In fact it is more fun to do this with a “rabbi” type. They get even more weird in the response. It can range from “Nothing”, to “I only care about the Jewish people, the Goyim don’t need to worry about it”, to “Convert and become Jewish”. There is also a lot of suspicion, because they think you want to evangelize them. That is a fair concern, as loads of people historically have acted like they wanted to convert, but really just wanted to get inside their community and preach at them.

In the 1st century, in the ANE (Ancient Near East) this seems to be even more problematic. Jews were given special status in the Roman empire, which had both benefits and difficulties. You didnt have to participate in the cultic rituals of Rome (other than offer a sacrifice FOR the Emperor o your God), you were allowed to gather and manage a lot of things within the community like collecting taxes, and were recognized as your own “guild” or “collegia”. This was administered by elders within the community. You had to operate within this community according tot he guidelines that were set up by the elders.

The primary gathering place and “social center” would have been a synagogue. This is way more than a “Jewish Church”. It was like a community center in a neighborhood. All sorts of activities were conducted there. This is vital because as a Torah person, you need to have certain things handled differently. For example:

  • Only food animals are acceptable to eat.
  • Lambs, Cows etc… could not be offered to another God first, nor killed in a way that doesn’t drain all the blood.
  • Wine for sale couldn’t be offered to the Gods of Rome, which was apparently almost universal.

You also had the “right” to circumcise your children. This sounds bizarre to a modern, but it is actually becoming more regulated in certain countries. This physical mark on a male was an actual distinguishing fact about the nationality and identity of the person (and their family). It had been forbidden and would justify execution just a few decades previously.

This community is the only link I would have to the God I just found myself submitting to. I dont have any clue what is expected of me, and I need them to explain this to me.

But I am not Jewish. And that is confusing. To everyone.

How did this Happen?

The problem here is at least 2 layers deep. There is a Jewish community who themselves have totally different concepts of what/how to live. Essenes, Pharisees, Sadducees are the most common. However there are all sorts of people all over the land who have different affiliations. And each group is vying for influence among the community itself. Some groups simply quit and leave (Essenes). Others have control of certain functions (Sadducees have the Temple and the priesthood). The main group we read about in the Bible is Pharisees. These are folks who were far from the dominant power, but seemed to be working to bring about their interpretation of how to live as a Jew in the middle of the land, but ruled by a foreign power.

As I read through the material I came across a word that caught my attention; Haberim. This really opened up my eyes to something I hadn’t realized. This sounds like what the Pharisees were described. The idea I gather from this is the idea of maintaining a state of “clean” or ritually clean status on an everyday basis. Not just when you wanted to go participate in Temple sacrifice, but every day. And the family table, the main meeting place, became a huge focus. The Altar in the Temple itself was very much “the table”, where you were interacting with God around a meal.

The problem is, there doesnt seem to be any directive to not be “unclean”, except when interacting with the Temple and sacrifices. I read and hear people now in groups on Social media quoting scriptures about “Touch no unclean thing” but they are not taking context into account. The point is, you become unclean all the time because of life. It happens. It is not the same as sin. Sin is disobedience of a command. Sinning ALSO results in you being in an “unclean”state.

Being “unclean” is what happens when you go hunting, take care of a sick relative, cut your hand, have sex and all sorts of other daily things. The important thing to remember is that when you need to go do business in the Temple with Yah, you change your status and maintain it while interacting with God.

This idea of maintaining a level of status constantly, and the building of constructs around this, seems to be at the basis for the Pharisee movement. The eventual elaborate and seemingly convoluted set of rules and guidelines, many of which become “Torah” to the Jew, seems to create a matrix that motivated the Pharisees, if not outright created them.

This group is attempting to direct the Jewish community and gaining more and more influence at the time of Messiah. And the rest of Rome is unhappy with both the special status of Jewish people, and the Jewish desire to be separate and unaffected by the rest of the population.

Then crazy thing A happens. Some Jewish people become convinced that the guy that was just crucified last Passover was the Messiah. Not just a few people who first followed him as a “Rabbi”. There is a growing group of people, with occasional surges of multiple thousands, going to the synagouge and trying to figure out what it means for them, as well as the whole of Israel. The Messiah means lots of things; The End of the age, The restoration of Israel, and possibly the Prophetic stories of Torah going throughout the earth. .

Then crazy thing B happens. Gentile people are starting to come in record numbers wanting to learn and associate with this community,. They had some radical experience with the same guy these weird “Yeshua following” Jews had, and want to understand what to do.

This is a very unstructured and Wandering Mind type of post, but oh well. Part 2 soon….

Posted in Torah, Wandering Mind

Was Cain offering a dead animal?

[Gen 4:3-4 ESV] 3 In the course of time Cain brought to the LORD an offering of the fruit of the ground, 4 and Abel also brought of the firstborn of his flock and of their fat portions. And the LORD had regard for Abel and his offering,

Im not convinced people were eating or slaughtering animals yet. Even the previous mention of Elohim making skin for Mankind doesn’t mean an animal sacrifice. It could mean he literally made a skin covering.

  1. At the end of a time (min Qetz). Harvest? End of a cycle? Not mo’ed or appointed time terminology is used. Seems clear to be at the end of the working harvest but doesn’t seem to be a feast type thing that we see later.
  2. Firstborn animals were given to YHVH later. Giving them to Elohim means not getting them back (they get set apart and cannot be taken ). All firstborns are consecrated later.
  3. Fat doesn’t always mean literal fat. Fat of the land means the best and more valuable parts in certain verses, and can also more normally be organ fat. This is the first mention of this, and the next is also not talking about literal fat[Gen 45:18 ESV] 18 and take your father and your households, and come to me, and I will give you the best of the land of Egypt, and you shall eat the fat of the land.’
  4. Cain was the firstborn, but he brought plants which you can simply grow again.
  5. Cain brought a mincha, a gift. Not sure if it is different in any practical application. They were seemingly grain offerings in the tabernacle. It was a minor offering that later only very poor people were allowed to use. The process of offerings always included this, but it wasn’t the whole offering, it was normally a part of a larger set of things.
  6. It doesn’t say Abel didn’t also offer this. Did Abel do this, and then bought all the firstborns along too? Would Cain not have had animals? Why wouldn’t everyone have both? Later people did. The prev verse describes them as binary, but it doesn’t make sense that it would be so binary.
  7. If it was a blood sacrifice, where an animal got killed, Cain didn’t do it. Maybe he didn’t want to kill his own stuff, but then ends up killing his brother.
  8. Abel is said that his firstlings and fat (best?) were his mincha.
  9. Working to raise crops from the earth was sweat. I think it is safe to say raising animals is sweat too, but food from the earth is definitely called out.
  10. Abel was a “keeper” and YHVH Cain asks if he is supposed to “keep” his brother. Same word. Poetry. And yes, later culture it is assume firstborns are in charge to oversee their siblings and keep them safe.

I dont think it is clear that Abel made an animal sacrifice. I think no one was eating meat yet possibly. Maybe wool for clothes? Maybe milk to eat? Honestly it doesn’t even say what kind of animals but is not the word for anything other than small animals.